Sunday, January 20, 2008


Out of all the movies I have seen this year, Juno is hands down my favorite film out of all. I wish I had another two thumbs so I can give it four thumbs way up. This is a story about Juno MacGuff, a highschool student that was impregnated by her friends Paulie Bleeker. After for two months in labor, Juno finally finds out about it and decides to get an abortion. When she finally arrived at the abortion clinic she has learned that not only does the receptionist at the clinic have a boyfriend who’s "junk" smells like pie, but the baby inside of her also has nails. Due to this new information mostly from the latter, she decides not to go through with the abortion. When Juno tells her best friend Leah that she will not do the abortion, they decide to search the Penny Savers for adoptive parents who are looking for a new baby (who knew you could do that). After finding Mark and Vanessa Loring in the magazine, Juno and her father meet them for the first time in their house about an hour away from them. Near the end of the movie, Juno becomes very upset with Mark (spoiler) after visiting them one day by herself, later listens to a speech from her father about finding someone who will always love you unconditionally no matter what, realizes that her perfect someone was always Bleeker. Unlike everyone else in school, Bleeker always looked at her face and not her whale sized stomach and said that she loved her even though she did not want to date him. In the end, Juno has her baby and Vanessa decides to still keep it even though she will be by herself taking care of the baby. Juno laying in the hospital bed is soon accompanied by Bleeker who laid down by her side. Even though these young kids are put into an adult situation, the director was able to make this movie very funny by making it very comedic with many examples of child youth while at the same time, having all the characters learn life lessons throughout the movie

Run Lola Run

This movie is some what interesting but I wouldn't name this one of my more favorite movies. Run Lola Run is about Lola who has to get one hundred thousand dollars for her boyfriend in twenty minutes before he goes and does something rash. What i found very interesting is that every scenario that Lola puts herself into is actually exactly twenty minutes long. Every time she starts over, she learns from her mistakes from before and acts on them. But what is difficult for her to understand is that even the slightest change that she does could change many things as shown in those Polaroids whenever she touches someone. To me this is actually like a video game. Whenever you loose you could just start over and learn from your mistakes in order to win and that is exactly what Lola has done. And in the end, Lola's boyfriend was able to pay off those people and made one hundred thousand for themselves.

Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko has always been a very controversial movie. Every person believes differently about this movie and has their own explanation for it as well. In my vision, I believe that Frank the sinister looking bunny rabbit is from a different dimension in a different world who was sent to Donnie's world. Frank is supposed to be some sort of messenger or ambassador of his planet and is supposed to warn Donnie that his world will be destroyed. The reason why he is so important is that the "worm hole" which allows people or even objects to travel within space and time itself is actually inside Donnie. This would explain why he was able to see his and every ones liquid blob thing come out of their chest which shows where they will be going to in the future. When Donnie's teacher tells him that one will need some sort of device that could travel very fast to go through space, Donnie for some reason believes that to save the world, he has to die, so he uses a worm hole to transport the engine from the plane to crush him. I don't know how much of what i believe is actually true but what I can say is the more you watch this film you will learn something new every time.


Rushmore is one of my favorite movies I have watched through this entire course. Wes Anderson, the director has made many movies that I really enjoyed such as this one, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, and The Darjeeling Limited. Bill Murray, who is in about ever Wes Anderson movie has impressed me yet again with his amazing performance. This movie had a bit of dark comedy in it which made very comedic in some inappropriate places such as when Herman and Max started to hate each other and would try to pull pranks on one another. I also found it hilarious when it showed all the clubs that Max Fischer started and is somehow president for all of them. In the end of nearly all of Anderson's films, he has a way of clearing everything up such as the relationship between two characters so that they learn from their mistakes and become friends again just like in the beginning of the story.